Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Stay Warm

Seriously, stay warm, I was outside for FIFTEEN MINUTES hauling loads of firewood with my brother, and in that span of time my hands went 100% numb, they are currently shaking still from the cold. It is sixteen degrees outside with intense wind. We're snug in our house but still, even with gloves and a sweater and a thick coat on I was cold, and with two hats my head was still chilled! Earlier today it was spitting a little snow, but now it is just that nice bitter cold. WE LIVE ON BERK I SWEAR.

Seriously, it is awful. Also, I don't think I've mentioned this, but, my mom is having a baby. Yup. It was a shock to me as well. Anyway, stay warm!

Here is us, freezing in the cold. Stay warm everyone.

Abbie R,


  1. That's awesome that your mom is having baby! I have 11 siblings :) IKR! I feel the same way about living on Berk. It was like 8 degrees today and my bedroom is freezing!!!

  2. Sorry :) I meant having A baby :) XD

  3. You've been nominated for an award!
