Monday, November 12, 2012

AG: Elizabeth goes horse back riding.

Elizabeth decided to enjoy the nice weather and go ride their horse Shadow.

Elizabeth was enjoying  the scenery and getting breath
of fresh air while riding her horse shadow.

When she came across her friend Kit sitting in the hot sun.
Elizabeth: Need a lift?
Kit: Sure! Boy is it hot out today.

Elizabeth: Hop on up.

 Elizabeth: Giddy up Shadow.
Shadow took of galloping home.
Kit: Not so fast!
Elizabeth pulled on the reins and the horse slowed down to a gentle canter.
Kit: Much better.

Once they got back........


Feel free to comment, ask questions, and e-mail me!


  1. OH!!! This is SO cute!! I wish I had a doll horse! Tell your doll's that Molly said hi!!!

    ~Molly :)

  2. Hey Madison! My dolls want to say hi as well. By the way you can find really cheap doll horses on e-bay. So save up and you cold probably get one for about 10-20 dollars!

  3. Your welcome!!! Doll horses are really cheap!!!!!!!!!
