Monday, November 24, 2014

If I were in a movie....

If I was in a movie, I would be dead. Why? Well it is obvious! But her is a list anyway,

1. I am the oldest sibling. (Lots of children's movies have the oldest sibling die to portray pain of loss and make the main character stronger.)

2. I am NOT an underdog. (Say what you please, but I am not one. While I am a bit nerdy I am not an underdog, I am actually quite tough and sturdy and not the type who is teased, I am also a person adults love, which you never seen in an underdog.)

3. I'm also very annoying.

4. And I'm good at hobbies and what I do, (Underdogs and characters who don't die off seem to be bad at everything.)

5. I have saved people, as in helped sick people, I once saved a friend's life when she got hurt to. People who are amazing and help people tend to die in movies for some reason...

Abbie R,

1 comment:

  1. I nominated you! Go check out my blog for more info!
